Saturday, November 02, 2013

(Part 2) - Time lapse hack for point and shoot camera

Since there is no hacked firmware for Canon SD1400 IS I had build my own rig, for time lapse. No electronics involved, just an old DC motor from a CD-ROM, re...
Video Rating: 5 / 5


  1. @videotutorials4us Just checked, there is now a chdk port for this camera;

  2. I would feel the same about a new camera! That is why for my time lapse videos I use simple cheap cameras that I buy on ebay. One video I left the camera on my roof for many days in the snow. Not a good idea with an expensive new camera!

  3. - i know how to do that too but was a new camera. check my mini strobe light video. i can control time between "press" and for how long to hold it using 2 pot`s.

  4. Your idea is to complex. I did my timelapse by opening the camera and hot wiring the shutter. My timer is a simple 555 electronic timer.

  5. - this IS mechanical. and I can build my own, no need to buy anything

  6. That is very skill full. and neat! :) You could also use a you can also use a mechanical intervalometer for all cameras like this one tempusALL.

  7. Free energy is finaly here!But the coverup is very strong,Get a real free energy motor at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM ,Be part of the revolution!

  8. - this is not about powering the camera, is about timelapse !
    Meaning taking thousand of pictures in a long period of time
    You may want to do that somewhere in the mountains, or woods, or middle of a lake... where you going to find power for that ? And the batteries are for the timelapse mechanism not the camera itself.

  9. Why don't you just plug in the power source to the camera and put a big SD card in the camera? seems waaaaay simpler.

  10. - well there is no CHDK for the SD1400IS (as I wrote in description)
    I do also build a rail for that camera, check my other videos

  11. Dude Why don't you soft hacking instead of this solution? It's just like an analog solution. :)  You should watch "Sunlapse: Panning Time Lapse Sunrise In Levanger Norway CHDK " I am sure that you will find an interesting/fantastic shooting angle with your mechanical ability.

  12. so complicated. i
