Saturday, October 05, 2013

How do you fix a Nikon Coolpix point and shoot with a lens barrel that won't retract?

Question by Marilyn: How do you fix a Nikon Coolpix point and shoot with a lens barrel that won't retract?
I have a Nikon Coolpix L18/L16 point and shoot camera. Have never had a problem with it until today, the lens barrel is stuck and won't retract. I thought maybe it was low battery power and put fresh batteries in it and it still won't retract! I'm scared to really try and force the barrel to retract has anyone else had this problem and how did you solve it?

Best answer:

Answer by fhotoace
You are correct in NOT forcing it to close

Take your camera to a repair shop for repair

Add your own answer in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, many cameras that fall prey to lens error problems can only be corrected by professional repair. But, here are some last resort troubleshooting steps that you can try that may correct it. They only seem to work for less than 40% of the lens errors, but if the camera is out of warranty (or repair cost approaches that of the camera), they're worth that try.
