Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What point & shoot camera would you recommend under $550 that takes good night pictures?

Question by Daisy: What point & shoot camera would you recommend under 0 that takes good night pictures?
I was going to get the NikonD3100 but I have to buy lenses, and I can't afford them.
So now I'm going to look at a top end point and shoot camera that:
Takes good night pictures, has a pretty decent zoom.
Any ideas?

Best answer:

Answer by selina_555
Any of the bridge cameras should do you (such as the Canon Powershot SX40HS. Make sure the camera has the manual modes, too, to give you better control.

The most important part will be learning how to use your camera, to turn the ISO down and most of all, for night photography, to use a tripod plus either the timer function or an external shutter release.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. What do you understand about night photography? Do you understand time exposure? Do you know the reasons for time exposure? Do you understand that cameras "live" on light?

    If you don't, before asking this question, you should do some serious reading on time exposure, light, ISO, shutter speed, aperture and tripods.

    Once you've read all of that you won't ask a question like this because you'll know what to look for in a camera that will allow you to take night photos.

  2. The Nikon D3100 comes with a kit lens that probably will do you for a long time.

  3. Here are some cameras that fit your budget.

    Sony HX200v -

    Canon SX40 HS -

    Fujifilm Finepix HS30 EXR -

    I'd get the Sony as a first choice. And the HS30 as a second. The Canon is still great though. Glad to help.

  4. Why buy a point and shoot. The sensor will not let enough light in. You should get a compact system (mirrorless) camera with a bigger sensor. Here is a link to one with a pretty good lens include for 400.

  5. Bestselling list of point and shoot cameras:!493964%2Cn%3A502394%2Cn%3A281052%2Cn%3A330405011&_encoding=UTF8&tag=faumioew-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=390957

    Out of these i recommend the following best selling camera:

    It will be perfect for you. Some of its features are:

    - Leica DC Vario- Elmarit 24x Zoom Lens
    - Shoot 3D images and view on your 3D capable TV
    - 3 inch free-angle 460K dot resolution LCD screen

    Read this review by a user about the overall performance of the camera:
